- endotoxin shock
- Медицина: эндотоксиновый бактериально-токсический шок
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
endotoxin shock syndrome — noun a cardiovascular collapse caused by a fulminating bacterial infection, especially in older people and women of menstrual age. Compare toxic shock syndrome …
endotoxin — [en΄dō täks′in] n. [ ENDO + TOXIN] the polysaccharide that is combined with a lipid and released from the cell walls of Gram negative bacteria, producing toxic effects causing fever, shock, etc. in many animals … English World dictionary
Endotoxin — Endotoxins (not to be confused with enterotoxin) are potentially toxic, natural compounds found inside pathogens such as bacteria. Classically, an endotoxin is a toxin which, unlike an exotoxin , is not secreted in soluble form by live bacteria,… … Wikipedia
Shock — In medicine, shock is a critical condition brought on by a sudden drop in blood flow through the body. There is failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate blood flow. This sharply curtails the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to vital … Medical dictionary
Shock (circulatory) — Acute shock redirects here. For the psychological condition, see Acute stress reaction. Shock ICD 10 many incl. R57 ICD 9 785 DiseasesDB … Wikipedia
endotoxic shock — endotoxin shock septic shock due to release of endotoxins by gram negative bacteria … Medical dictionary
endotoxin — 1. A bacterial toxin not freely liberated into the surrounding medium, in contrast to exotoxin. 2. The complex phospholipid polysaccharide macromolecules that form an integral part of the cell wall of a variety of relatively … Medical dictionary
endotoxin — en•do•tox•in [[t]ˌɛn doʊˈtɒk sɪn[/t]] n. pha a toxin that is released from certain bacteria as they disintegrate in the body, causing fever, toxic shock, etc • Etymology: 1900–05 en do•tox′ic, adj … From formal English to slang
Delta endotoxin — delta endotoxin, N terminal domain crystal structure of the insecticidal bacterial del endotoxin cry3bb1 bacillus thuringiensis Identifiers Symbol Endotoxin N … Wikipedia
Septic shock — Classification and external resources ICD 10 A41.9 ICD 9 785.52 … Wikipedia
Distributive shock — is defined by hypotension and generalized tissular hypoxia. This form of relative hypovolemia is the result of blood vessel dilation.[1] Septic shock is the major cause[2], but there are other examples as well. Examples Examples of this form of… … Wikipedia